Sahali Fellowship is a family of faith in Kamloops, British Columbia and a congregation in the Christian Reformed Church of North America.
Sahali Fellowship’s mission is MAKING GOD’S LOVE KNOWN.
We seek to engage in thoughtful fellowship with God.
We desire to grow in our faith.
We are a place to know others and to be known.
We are a place to serve God and each other.
We are intentionally intergenerational and invite all ages to participate in the life of the church.
Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am.
Sahali Fellowship
1565 Summit Drive
Kamloops, BC

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     Children are part of God’s people and an integral part of our church family at Sahali Fellowship. Children participate in the life of the church, whether in service, worship, prayer, or listening to God’s Word. Likewise, our community builds relationships between children and adults of all ages. As children grow, we disciple them not only in the tenets of the Christian faith, but also in their ability to discern God’s ways and live a Godly life of forgiveness, grace, and gratitude.
When you worship with us on a Sunday morning…
…children and youth worship God with the congregation. We welcome the wonderful sounds children make as we teach them how to worship!
…children and youth share prayer requests, thanksgivings or testimonies during our time of shared prayer, just like the adults.
…younger children who are able to be independent of their parents are welcome to join Sunday School during the sermon. Just as those in the worship space will hear God’s Word, so too will the younger children hear God’s Word.
…for older children who can read and youth, we encourage them to listen to God’s Word with the adults. We encourage adults and youth to discuss God’s Word together.
…children return from Sunday School before the end of the worship service so that as a whole community, we receive God’s blessing as we begin a new week.


       Sahali Fellowship is located in the upper Sahali neighbourhood of Kamloops, BC. As part of our presence in this community, Sahali Fellowship operates the Henry Devries Memorial Community Garden. Named after one of Sahali Fellowship’s previous pastors, this 40+ plot community garden provides a place for growing plants, food, and community. If you are interested in joining the community garden, please email
       Sahali Fellowship also operates the ‘Little Free Pantry.’ The Little Free Pantry has non-perishable food items for those who need food. The food in the pantry is free for the taking. The Little Free Pantry is also an opportunity to give back to those in need. Anyone is encouraged to add non-perishable food items to the pantry and support persons who are food insecure. (Note: Do not donate liquid or canned products during the winter months.) If you live in Kamloops, please feel free to check out the Little Free Pantry and participate in this ministry.   


At Sahali Fellowship, we are thankful for the immeasurable gifts God has given us. You also can share your gratitude by giving to our our congregation’s ministry. Besides the ministry of our congregation, we support other organizations both in Kamloops and around the world which seek to share God’s love. To Donate, click here.  

May God bless you as you give!